Nautical Activities !

Hello !

Today I am going to present you several nautical activities that you can do in Nantes at the level of the island of Versailles! These activities can allow you to relax and have fun with your friends!

From the site “Floating Nantes”
From Google Maps









Indeed, there is a nautical base named “Floating Nantes” on this island which offers several activities: rental of electric boats, kayak, paddle, water-bike …

Here are their main activities :

  • Electric boats 🚤 :
From the site “Floating Nantes”
From the site “Floating Nantes”



These unlicensed boats can accommodate between 5 and 7 people and can be rented for 1 hour, 1.5 hours or 2 hours. The minimum price is 29€ for 1 hour and for 5 people (around 6 euros per person!). However, these boats are not accessible for everyone since a deposit of 500€ is requested !



  • Kayak 🚣🏼‍♀️ :
From the site “Floating Nantes”
From the site “Floating Nantes”

The kayak is much more accessible and much more sporty than the boat !
You can rent an individual kayak for 10 € per hour/ 15 € for 2 hours ! There are also 2 seater kayak and even 3 seater kayak !!




  • Paddle 🏄🏾 :
    From the site “Floating Nantes”

    From the site “Floating Nantes”




The paddle is a little more expensive than kayak but very fun!
You can look at the prices here !




  • Water-bike 🚴🏼‍♂️ :
From the site “Floating Nantes”
From the site “Floating Nantes”

The water-bike is the most expensive activity but this activity is very original and I think that you haven’t already done it! If you had the chance to do this activity, share your experience in the comments!





More you can benefit from -10% on all these activities for students !

And it is important to remember that you must know how to swim for most of these activities ! 🏊🏼‍♀️

There are also other activities on their site such as an escape game on a boat or paddle yoga! If you are interested, I strongly advise you to go to their site :

Have fun ! 🌊

Cooking Tip #3

The third article of this brilliant-interesting-helpful series! Today’s article deals with RAMEN.

Everyone knows about this so flavorful dish, coming from China or Japan, depending of the part of History you trust; here’s a quick reminder if needed:

Ramen are very thin-long-wavy noodles, only made of wheat flour, salt and water. (if you want to make ramen by yourself you’ll need to add sodium carbonate to the mixture to get a firm texture. Sodium carbonate can be obtained by heating sodium bicarbonate in the oven during one hour above 100°C / 212°F )

In everyday speech, ramen designates the whole dish with the noodles, often served in a large bowl: a soup with ramen noodles of course, but you can also find some additional elements to it:

-the stew: it is the base of the dish, it gives all the direction concerning the flavor. The stew can be made with vegetables, meat, soja sauce… Even though i advise you to try to make your own combinations, to find the stew that fits your tastes.

-toppings: to add some color to your bowl, to make it looking fantastic and taste even better, you just have to add toppings:

  • boiled eggs cut in half
  • meat: often pork, but don’t be stuck in the tradition, you can put whatever meat you want, or no meat at all if you don’t want 🙂
  • mushrooms
  • ginger
  • corn
  • vegetables: thin cut carrots, cabbage…

-oil: you may wonder why I’m now talking about oil… A rizzle of oil in your ramen bowl will add a perfect touch of fat all dish need. You can use use the “classique” olive oil, but if you are obsessed by better taste, you may try to make you own flavored oil: just put oil (olive for example) in a little jar, and then add what you want: thyme, chilli pepper for a hot touch… Oil is not so cheap so don’t feel forced to put it in your ramen, just put butter, it works perfectly!!!

If you want to learn more about amen and ow to make them, you can visit Alex’s Youtube channel, where he dedicated a complete series about making ramen.

His series about ramen:

His channel:

Hope you enjoyed this article, see you soon!



Update concerning the images

Hi folks ! We’ve realised we’ve made a mistake so we’re going to fix it !

We’re updating our blog in order to add sources to the images that are used on our blogs !

Right below, you will find the sources for the pictures we used on our Highlights pages !

Cheers !


For our logo, it is a parody of the series of books ” pour Les Nuls” that we made

The logo used for the “Quarantine” section is the logo from the Plague Inc game

The pictures in the squares all come from the website Pexels

Nightclubs !

Hi everyone !

I know that you are impatiently waiting for the end of the confinement to go out with your friends! When the time comes, maybe you will go to a bar or to one of your friends or maybe you will go to a nightclub! If that is the case, I advise you to go to the warehouse! This club is very popular with students because it organizes “tonus” every Thursday !

From Instagram “warehousenantes”

But to learn more about this club, I advise you to go to the blog entitled “Discover Nantes with JeaLiMaTienne” and in particular to click on the following link because one of the posts on the blog is dedicated to the warehouse!

After reading this post you will have all the information about this club!

You can also discover others nightclubs in Nantes thanks to the blog entitled “What’s up Nantes ?” which published a “TOP 4 of the nightclubs” :


I have only one small thing to add regarding security. The city of Nantes is unfortunately a pretty dangerous city where there are many attacks, especially in the evening and at night. Night club’s outlets are not spared. That’s why you always have to go back to several and preferably by tram, bus or car (in Uber if you have been drinking), even if it costs a little money, it’s still better than getting assault!

Hoping that bars and nightclub will be open this summer ! ☀️☀️☀️

The best creperie in Nantes is…

Hey folks ! Today I bring you something different : a restaurant review ! I’ve been living in Nantes for about 8 months and as a non-Breton person, I’ve had to taste what people like Gabsal called “galette”( even though they were just crêpes)

That’s when I discovered the BEST PLACE IN NANTES : the Bouffay, and more specifically “La rue de la Juiverie”.

From Google Maps


This street is where you will find my favorites creperies !

First, I’ll talk about the Barapom. This is the kind of place you usually go with your friends : the menu is cheap (even for students !), or if you want just one crepe, the “classic” ones cost roughly 4€ and the “special” ones cost a little more. What is very specific about this creperie is how they serve your meal : the crepe are in a cornet shape!

The restaurant can also be privatized : a poker tournament was held by the BDA of Polytech this year, in february !

Pictures found on the Facebook page of Polytech’s BDA and on the “Passtime” website

But even though I really love the Barapom, I don’t think it is the best one…

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you “Le Loup, Le Renard et La Galette” !

Picture from TripAdvisor

Located just next to the Barapom, this is in my opinion the best creperie in Nantes : so far, this is where I ate the best crepes ever ! The prices are a little bit more expensive but it really is worth it !

In your opinion, what is the best creperie ? Do you agree with me or do you disagree ? Tell me in the comments down below !



The sleep !

Hello everyone ! Today we will talk about the sleep !


Dessin de Temps pour aller à dormir colorie par Membre non inscrit ...

picture from the site Caloritou

One thing that is very important when you are a student is to sleep enough ! The sleep is essential to work and succeed the studies ! If you are sleepy in class, you will not pay attention to the teacher !

If you have to be in class at eigh o’clock, you must go to bed early to have a good night ! Below eigh hours per night, you will be tired !

The worst enemies of the sleep are Netflix and the video games for the gamers !


à l'intérieur, conceptuel, connexionaccessoire, amusement, bloc

pictures from the site pexels


For the students, the worst morning of the week is the Friday, it’s the next day of the Tonus ! If you want to be active in class the Friday, you must go to sleep early the Thursday, there is no exception (except johannrs).

Coloriage 09b. fatigué - Coloriages Gratuits à Imprimer

picture from Educol

Here is a video about the importance of sleep :

Exercise in Nantes


Today i wanted to share with you one of my hobbies: sport!! in Nantes, you may find it difficult to find places to exercise. Anyway, don’t worry! (be happy)

I going to share with you some places to work out your body.

If you’re an adept of weight lifting, you may look for a fitness room, where you’ll find all that you could dream of as a sportsman or sportswoman. I advise you to go to Basic Fit Fitness Rooms

because they are quite cheap and their employees are so welcoming!

Here are the places where you can find them.



If, like me, you prefer running by your own, let’s see some places where you can run easily!

Living near Recteur Schmitt: go on running near L’Erdre, you’ll enjoy this quite peaceful and greeny place; Especially in summer, I’m sure you will be delighted to run around water.Découvrez les chateaux de l'Erdre - Ports de Nantes






Living around La Beaujoire: also near L’Erdre, you must try to run in the park called “Parc Floral de la Beaujoire”, you’ll run along many flowers varieties, something significant when you are used to run in Nantes streets.

If you are living in downtown area, I’m not teaching you anything saying that it is quite hard to find a place to run except in the street. Here’s a tip: take a run going through “Parc de Beaulieu”, which is located at the extreme-est end of L’Ile de Nantes. It will add a green place to your run, always enjoyable when running in a city like Nantes!

By these hard times, don’t forget to stay in a one kilometer perimeter around your living place.

Sadly, most of the places I advised you are closed to avoid humans contacts, but don’t forget to try them out later!

Stay safe and practice sports!


Little game about alcohol

Hi everyone !

Today I suggest you to play crossword puzzles created by us to test your knowledge of alcohol! 🍻
Answer in the comments if you think you found words!


Good luck ! 😉


The answers are just here (only look if you searched!) : answers !!

The transports !

If you are a student in Nantes or in an other big city, you will have to move ! And for this, the TAN is your best friend !!!


You will pass a lot of time in the means of transport, to go from one point of the city to another !!!!

Réseau Tan (@reseau_tan) | Twitter

picture from the TAN’s site


Some advices and informations for the TAN :


-the price of a ticket for an hour is 1,70€

Tan - Ma vie sans arrêt - Bus - Réseau de nuit

-the unlimited formula is at 26,30€ per month


– Pay attention to the strikes, demonstrations or problems of streetcar to not be late ! In this case, you will have to walk ! And unfortunately it often happens…

picture from the TAN’s site

– If there is a demonstration in the center of the city, it can be dangerous to cross the crowd, to join the means of transport (believe in my experience) !

But when it works, the TAN network is very useful and satisfying.

Here you will have all the details and lines :


If you are a good person and you worry about the planet, you can also use the bicloos or walk !





Here is a small quizz about the person that you are in the transport ! For each question choose the letter that best defines you !


1) You have to go to a place not far away…

A) You take transport at any cost ! 🚌

B) You negociate with someone to lend you his bike ! 🚲

C) You run there, it’s good for the health ! 💪


2) You’re in the bus…

A) You sleep. 😴

B) You put your music very loud ! 😈

C) You do push-ups in the hallway ! 🏋️‍♀️


3) You are waiting at the bus stop…

A) You are stranded on the only seat ! 💤

B) You phone very loud ! 👹

C) The bus shelter roof is perfect for pull-ups ! 🦾


4) Oups there are the controllers in your streetcar !

A) You are lazy to take out your card ! Mostly they woke up you ! 🥱

B) You pretend to look for the ticket you don’t have… 👺

C) You propose an arm wrestling to the controller ! 🤜🤛


If you have a majority of A) you are a very lazy person ! The person that always have a seat in the bus to sleep ! You have to  wake up !! 😴

If you have a majority of B) you are a very annoying person ! The one that annoys everyone in the transport ! Be less annoying please !!!! 😈

If you have a majority of C) you are a very sportive person ! You not need and don’t use means of transport to move ! Congratulations ! 💪


Tell me in comments what type of person in the transport you are please !  😍

Lost Objects

Hi guys, here is a new blog posts for y’all 🙂

I’m pretty you’ve already lost some of your stuff in school : your headset, your jacket or even your ring, just like fanss !

That’s fanss when she realized she had lost her ring. Pictures found on Pexels

If so, don’t be desperate : there’s still hope (maybe…). If you’ve lost it in Polytech , there might have been a charitable soul who found it and brang it to the office of Claire Cogrel, so you definitely should send her an email if it happens and if you’re named “fanss” or/and you have the luck of the devil, you might get it back
If you’ve lost it in the Fac, well, I hope you didn’t care much about it because you won’t find it..

See you soon !